Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Twiends : An Awesome Site To Get Twitter Followers

Out of the number of things I am doing online Twitter is one of them. Working on a few different models, but my Twitter page is where I am trying gain massive amount of followers.

The best way to do that is to be a personality and give people a reason to follow you. Oddly, the largest personalities with massive of followers- I fail to see why people would follow them. Your Ashton Kutcher or Ashley Tisdale have millions of people following them. I don’t know what they say that is worth following the but apparently millions of people glean something of value from following these celebrities. Myself, the only celebrity I felt worth following and had anything worth saying was Dart Vadder.

Not being a celebrity gaining followers takes online tools. The one I enjoy the most is Twiends. The reason I enjoy Twiends is that it provides me the option to gain followers without having to follow others. There are actions I can take or simply pay to gain followers. But there is still the option to follow others to have them follow you. Twiends is based on a points based system, use points to get followers. There are different actions one can take like referring others (hint!) to gain points, you can get points by following others, or simply pay for points. That is another great feature of Twiends is the free or pay options.

So, for anyone on Twitter who would like a few extra followers or a whole truckload of followers, they need to checkout Twiends now.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Just fail!

You will fail.

I struggle with whether this is right topic for my first blog post. It is so negative, but it is important to accept the truth, you will fail. Why is it important? Because as they say, the truth will set you free!

Many of you have looked at the emerging application stores elsewhere and have started counting your riches and the fame you will gain from developing the killer app. The truth is most everyone reading this blog will fail in developing that killer app. It is this one simple fact that has turned the mobile industry on its head.

Why? The truth will set you free. Being free to fail, will allow you to conquer. You can risk failure. You can innovate, waste resources, put out betas, and thousands of other things that may not work seamlessly with the rest of the handset.

You can afford to suck. But maybe, just maybe you will be the 1 in 100 that will not suck. That 1 in 100 chance is tough for big companies to invest in but not you, you have the freedom to fail.

The application store above all else lowers the barrier between you and the consumer. It gives you the ultimate chance to create and fail. I hope you are the 1 in 100 and don’t fail. When you don’t fail you can change the world and nothing is more rewarding than that.

Keep checking back to my blog, it could be interesting to watch me fail.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

How Not to Get Your Book Published

You've got a great idea for a book and you're raring to go. You're sure it will become a best-seller. You start to fantasize about the great jacket blurbs you're going to get, and whom you will thank in your Oscar acceptance speech for Best Adapted Screenplay (you resolve to remember to thank both the Academy and your significant other).

Easy there, Tiger.

Getting a book published is a monumental undertaking, one that can make getting through both law school and the bar exam seem like small potatoes. Until now, most of your professional accomplishments have been largely within your control; do X and Y will follow. In the publishing world, however, even doing everything exactly right is no guarantee of success. But there are a few things you can do to sabotage yourself faster than than you can say "seven-figure advance":

1. Write the whole book first. You've written a brilliant 350-page book about the history of law in America, or tort reform, or the best way to come out on top in your sexual harassment lawsuit. And now you're ready to find an agent. Oops. Nonfiction books are almost sold on the basis of a proposal - a submission that includes a detailed outline of what the book will cover, some sample material, and information about the likely market for the book. You don't write the whole book at the outset, as it's likely that your vision and slant will differ somewhat from your future publisher's. You'll waste a lot of work - and time - if you write the entire book before you've found someone who wants to buy it.

2. Don't write the whole book first. This seems to directly contradict #1, and it does. Novels, unlike non-fiction books, need to be completed before you try to sell them (unless you're an established writer; Stephen King could probably sell a novel on the basis of a few scribblings on a cocktail napkin). While non-fiction is all about content, fiction is much more about style, characters, and plot. An agent will need to be able to read the entire thing to make sure it hangs together the whole way through. Memoirs, which are fact-based but reliant on strong storytelling, straddle the line between fiction and non-fiction; you should have your memoir finished before trying to sell it, but you should also be prepared to draw up a formal proposal.

3. Submit your book or proposal directly to a publisher. Most publishers refuse to accept unagented submissions. You will first need to find an agent willing to represent you, who will then act on your behalf to find an appropriate publisher. The vast majority of unagented submissions wind up in what's known as the slush pile - which is about as promising as it sounds.

4. Be a big jerk. This should go without saying, but oddly enough, it often doesn't. Agents and publishers don't like working with arrogant, pushy, self-important people. And, unlike your firm's paralegals, they don't have to put up with it. Be polite, be professional, and check the worst personality stereotypes of our once-chosen profession at the door.

Jennifer Carsen, J.D. is the founder of Big Juicy Life. Her specialty is turning lawyers into writers. Go to for a copy of the free report, "6 Myths About Leaving the Law for Writing."

The Latest 5 Maximum Secrets to Jumpstart Your Ebook Writing

This article is for those people who would like to start making money from electronic books. Here's how you can get started:

1. Read popular, best-selling ebooks. Get ideas on how best-selling ebooks are created by simply reading them. List down compelling techniques, writing styles, and various elements that might help in making the whole process easier for you.

2. Learn from the experts. You'll have an edge over your competitors if you learn from people who have already excelled in this field. Today, there are countless of coaching programs and online classes designed for aspiring ebook writers. Take advantage of them to get started on the right foot and to avoid committing costly mistake in the process.

3. Skills. You'll most likely to succeed in this field if you have exceptional writing and problem-solving skills. Also, it's a must that you are determined and hardworking. Keep in mind that money will surely not come overnight so motivation and perseverance can surely take you a long way.

4. Topics. Go with topics that you will easily be able to write. Stick with those ones that you find interesting or those that are aligned to your areas of expertise. By doing this, you can easily offer your readers with high quality, informative content while you have a great time writing your ebooks.

5. Length. Keep in mind that online users generally dislike spending hours in front of their computer. Help them out by making your ebooks relatively short. Write specific topics and make your content concise and brief as much as possible.

Announcing 3 Efficient Methods to Make Money With Article Marketing

You don't need to have a college degree to make so much money in the online arena. All you need is determination, access to the right information, and exceptional writing skills. Did you know that you can boost your earnings from your ebusiness by just writing articles? Articles can help you position yourself as an expert and they can make your website look more valuable to the eyes of the search engines especially if they contain good content and a good number of keywords/keyphrases.

Here's how you can make money with article marketing:

1. Carefully choose your topics. Keep in mind that your goal here is to get your target market to visit your website. Attract their attention by writing topics that they are looking for. I recommend that you talk about their burning questions, their problems, and their goals in life. Then, by sharing your expertise, offer solutions and answers.

2. Pitch in your products and services. Although you can't blatantly promote your offerings on your articles, you can easily create a need for them. Talk about the problems or issues that can be resolved by using the products that you sell or simply tell your readers how they can improve the quality of their lives by getting ahold of what you offer. Just make sure that you do not put links on your article body so your articles will not be rejected.

3. Offer more information. This is the key to convince people that you are really an expert. Fill up your articles with so much information to help your readers better understand your content. If needed, share insider tips and trade secrets.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide.

Writers and Authors - Do You Need a Platform?

Are You Self-Publishing Your Book?

You need a platform. Your platform will be the foundation that you build your book sales on and will help you to become a successful author.

Are You Looking For A Publishing House to Pick Up Your Book?

Then you need a platform. That's probably the first thing any publishing house is going to ask your agent - "What's your client's platform?"

Do You Want to Become Known As An Expert In Your Field or Niche?

You need a platform. Your platform will be the way your ideal clients will find you - and how they know you're the writer they want working on their projects.

Do You Want To Find The Best, Highest-Paying Writing Gigs in Your Area of Expertise?

Well, then you'd better have a platform. Because baby, you've got a whole lot of competition out there - and there are a bunch of hungry, new to the scene writers who are willing to work for what amounts to pennies on the dollar, just to have the chance to get their foot in the door.

Why Publishing Houses Want Authors With An Established Platform

10 to 15 years ago, it was a lot easier to get published. You could have an idea for a book, work and slave over a good book proposal, type your fingers to the bone whipping out a couple of chapters and the Table of Contents, send it off... and wait. Sometimes the Gods smiled on you and you entered into negotiations and ended up with a contract to write a book.

If You're A New Writer, You Probably Stand A Better Chance of Winning The Lottery Than Getting A Publishing Contract Right Off the Bat

Here's why: Traditional publishers are leaking profits like a pirate ship that's been hit with cannon fire...

It's expensive to publish books these days... It's expensive and time consuming to market books these days... And with profits being down, fewer and fewer publishing houses are willing to take the gamble on new, untested and untried authors and their books.

Remember - even though you're living, breathing, waking and sleeping with your book... book publishing is a business - and businesses are in business for one main reason - to make a profit. (Which, by the way -is something you need to keep in mind too... as a writer, you have a writing business - and at least part of the reason you're in this business is so you can also make a profit - which allows you to have the freedom to do more of what you love - write more books!)

So having a platform gives you credibility with the publishing house. It's reassures them that you're a professional, someone who understands how the game is played, and who is willing to do their part to market your book and help generate sales.

Why A Platform Is ABSOLUTELY VITAL if You're Self-Publishing Your Book

WARNING: What You're About to Read May Scare the Dickens Out of YOU! If You're Not Absolutely Serious About Becoming a Self-Published Author - STOP Reading Here.

Do you have any idea what kind of competition you're up against with your book?

At this point, I'm talking about published authors in your niche or industry.

Here's a good way to find out.

Open your browser (if you use "tabs" just open a new tab - and go to

In the "type of product" choose books. Then type in the "niche" or "genre" your book falls under.

For example, type in "romance novel". Go ahead - I'll wait. (Okay, I didn't wait. I did it too. At the time of writing this article, there were 31,415 books.

If I type in "self-help" I get 209,487 results.

And typing in "business" brings back a mind-blowing 2,238,433 results.

And these are just on Amazon. Not everyone sells their books online. Or if they do, there are other bookstores they may choose to go with instead.

Are you feeling totally discouraged now? (Sorry - I warned you!)

But that's why you need a platform. Because especially if you're self-publishing, you need to find your place in the sun, and start building your credibility, expertise and fan base - so the people who need your book, who are looking for it - even if they don't know it yet - can find you, and it.

And if you're a writer, artist, performer, coach or entrepreneur, it's a proven fact that having your own book can give you instant credibility, prove your expertise and help you attract the people you want to work with.

Which means... You need a platform which is the base or foundation that explains who you are, what you stand for and helps people to find you.

Without a platform, your business will fall over like a house of cards in a stiff breeze.

Cheryl Antier is an American writer living "the dream lifestyle" on the French Riviera. She is also the director of the Writer's Business Academy, an online distance learning center for professional writers and authors who want to continue their education into the business side of writing and marketing themselves and their business.

Uncover 5 Top Ways to Excel at Ebook Writing

Who say's excelling in the field of ebook writing is impossible? Anybody can do it through these 5 top ways:

1. Know your audience. Start the whole process by knowing the people that you are targeting. What topics do they find interesting? What writing style do they prefer? What is their level of comprehension? What put them in a position of needing your ebooks and your in-depth knowledge? The more you're in tune with these people, the higher your chances of creating ebooks that are highly targeted to their needs and demands.

2. Use powerful, highly effective titles. You would want online users to take interest on your ebooks the moment they see them on the search page results, right? This can happen if you use ebook titles that are intriguing and contain words that can target human emotions.

3. Plan your content. Make your content flow smoothly by creating an outline. Breakdown your main topic into chapters and decide what and how much information you are going to include on each of your chapters. Follow your outline religiously so you can avoid getting off track.

4. Write your ebooks. Start by creating a compelling introduction that can tell your readers ahead of time what information they can expect to get to entice them to read on. Then, fill in your chapters with in-depth and complete information. Make sure that your readers will feel well-informed or empowered the moment they finish reading your ebooks.

5. Proofread. This is something that you cannot skip as online users simply hate ebooks that are full of errors. After writing your content, spend at least 24 hours away from your computer to momentarily "forget" what you have written about. Then, proofread your content after 24 hours. By this time, you'll surely become more objective and you'll be able to easily spot errors.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed a brand new free guide.